No more Olympics

The summer Olympics are over. Now what? My wife is now muttering under her breath ... no more Olympics, no more Olympics. I guess it's back to the Food Network. Maybe the Food Network can run its own Olympics? No, I'm not sure I want to watch Paula Dean on the balance beam.

And poor NBC. Now the network is back to Deal or No Deal for excitement. Me thinks Michael Phelps would be the perfect host. Get rid of that bald guy. I'm also thinking about a teenage reality show starring Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin. You could call it Smile or No Smile.

OK, I admit that I had one eye on what was going on. The other eye was usually on baseball, preseason football, a crime show or on Sunday night, Gene Simmons Family Jewels (guilty pleasure). I did try to flip back and forth between Gene Simmons and the closing ceremonies Sunday night. I'm not a big opening or closing ceremonies guy, but I did know that Jimmy Page was supposed to play. Now, if Led Zeppelin played every day during the Olympics, I'd be there 24-7. I flipped back to Gene Simmons a little too long ... I missed Jimmy Page. The wife said it wasn't all that, anyway. But what does she know, she's into 80s dance music.

As it turns out, I really don't have any real criticism about the Olympics or the coverage, other than the time zone difference, especially with the basketball. Being on the computer as much as I am, I already knew who won by the time of NBC's nightly "live coverage." I'll even give credit to the Redeem Team's (men's basketball) winning ways. They played together well as a team, which kind of surprised me.

My wife wants the summer Olympics every two years. She's in withdrawal. I know how she feels. I'm like that the week after the Super Bowl.

NBC officials, meanwhile, are hiding in the back room brainstorming. I have another idea for them: Prime time coverage of women's beach volleyball. Yeah, that will do just fine.


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